Note: SilverStripe is already installed here.
If you wish to reinstall SilverStripe, please delete the mysite/_config.php file first.

The database details don't appear to be correct. Please review and correct before installing.

Please enter an email address and password for the default administrator account before installing.

Requirements Step 1 of 5

PHP Configuration Show All Requirements All Requirements Pass
PHP5 installedOK (PHP version 5.6.40-81+0~20241224.91+debian12~1.gbp02231c)
GD2 supportOK
XML supportOK
DOM/XML supportOK
SimpleXML supportOK
Tokenizer supportOK
CType supportOK
Session supportOK
iconv supportOK
hash supportOK
mbstring supportOK
Reflection supportOK
SPL supportOK
date.timezone setting and validityOK (Europe/Berlin)
fileinfo supportOK
curl supportOK
tidy supportOK
asp_tags optionOK
magic_quotes_gpc optionOK
display_errors optionOK
arg_separator.output optionOK
Memory allocation (PHP config option 'memory_limit')OK (128M)
File permissions Show All Requirements All Requirements Pass
Does the webserver know where files are stored?OK (/home/www/public_html/landhotel/)
mysite/ directory exists?OK
framework/ directory exists?OK
Is the .htaccess file writeable?OK
Is the mysite/_config.php file writeable?OK
Is the mysite/_config/config.yml file writeable?OK
Is the assets/ directory writeable?OK
Is a temporary directory available?OK (/home/www/public_html/landhotel/silverstripe-cache/www-data)
Is the temporary directory writeable?OK
Webserver Configuration Show All Requirements All Requirements Pass but 1 Warning
Webserver is not Apache 1.xOK (Apache)
Server softwareOK (Apache)
URL rewriting supportYou need mod_rewrite to use friendly URLs with SilverStripe, but it is not enabled.
Recognised webserverOK
POST SupportOK
Database Configuration Show All Requirements 1 Failed and 0 Warnings
Database supportOK (MySQL)
Database serverI couldn't find a database server on 'localhost': MySQL server has gone away

Read more about our server requirements.

Database Configuration Step 2 of 5

Database supportOK (MySQL)
Database serverI couldn't find a database server on 'localhost': MySQL server has gone away

SilverStripe stores its content in a relational SQL database. Please provide the username and password to connect to the server here. If this account has permission to create databases, then we will create the database for you; otherwise, you must give the name of a database that already exists.

Other databases:
Databases in the list that are greyed out cannot currently be used. Click on them for more information and possible remedies.

CMS Admin Account Step 3 of 5

We will set up the first administrator account for you automatically. You can change these details later in the "Security" section within the CMS.

"Default language" determines the default locale settings (for dates, currencies, etc.), as well as the default language of the CMS interface. This can be changed for each user.
Warning: The CMS interface may be missing translations in certain locales.

Theme selection Step 4 of 5

You can change the theme or download another from the SilverStripe website after installation.

Confirm Install Step 5 of 5